overcome procrastination


At some point or another, most of us have struggled with procrastination. Procrastination can be an obstacle to reaching our goals – be it delaying projects at work, postponing chores, or postponing exercise routines. What if there was a practical solution that not only increased your productivity but also helped improve your well-being overall? 

Yoga offers just such an approach to help counter procrastination and regain time and energy! 

Understanding Procrastination 

Before exploring the benefits of yoga, it’s essential to understand why we procrastinate. Procrastination often stems from feelings like overwhelm, fear of failure, or lack of motivation – which may create mental and emotional blocks that prevent action from being taken. When left unchecked, procrastination can become stressful and anxiety-inducing and reduce productivity significantly. 

Procrastinating may seem harmless at first glance, but its long-term consequences could have severe repercussions for your health. 

What are the consequences of procrastination on my health? 

Stress levels are on the grade 

Mental Impact:  

Procrastination can create an endless cycle of unfinished work and impending deadlines that piles on anxiety and stress, creating an infinite spiral. The longer you put off getting things done, the greater will be your feelings of anxiety and stress. 

Physical Effects:  

Chronic stress causes the release of stress hormones like cortisol. This can cause headaches and digestive issues while weakening your immune system and increasing anxiety levels. 

Poor Sleep Quality

Procrastinating can result in sleep disruption by keeping you up late working on deadlines – which disrupts your schedule and can result in poor quality restful slumber. 

Lack of sleep has the power to change both your mental and physical state drastically. Consequentially, lack of restorative rest can negatively impact mood and cognition while increasing risk factors like obesity, diabetes and heart disease. 

Negative Impact on Mental Health 

Anxiety and Depression: Procrastination can create stress, which in turn contributes to feelings of anxiety or depression, while never-ending worry over unfinished tasks can make life feel unbearably overwhelming, making it hard to enjoy daily activities. 

Low self-esteem: Procrastination can leave one feeling inadequate or defeated, ultimately leading to feelings of inferiority or failure and diminishing one’s sense of confidence and motivation. This could result in decreased self-esteem and motivation levels as a result. 

Decrease in Physical Activity 

Sedentary Lifestyle: Delaying exercise or physical activities and procrastination can lead to a sedentary lifestyle. You could become overwhelmed with work to be completed and lose motivation altogether. 

Procrastinating physical activity and staying active are significant obstacles to maintaining good mental and physical health. Procrastination should never become an excuse for not staying fit! 

Poor Nutrition

Unhealthy Eating Habits: Procrastination can have a dramatic impact on your diet; when stressed or under time pressure, you may turn to unhealthy eating practices, which result in unnecessary calories consumed and increased body mass. 

Nutritional Deficiencies: Over time, poor eating habits can lead to nutritional deficiencies, which lead to weight gain or loss, high blood pressure and diabetes, as well as other issues with your diet, like high cholesterol. 

Relationship Strain 

Procrastination can have devastating social repercussions. When left unchecked, procrastination can strain relationships with family, friends, and coworkers alike. Delaying your responsibilities repeatedly may also cause incredible frustration and resentment, both professionally and personally. 

Procrastination can have devastating emotional repercussions. Stress and guilt associated with procrastinating can erode relationships and damage our ability to form meaningful bonds with those around us. 

Diminish Productivity and Performance 

Work and School Performance: Procrastination can lead to hasty work of lower quality, which in turn may impact your school or work performance adversely – this may result in missed opportunities, poor evaluations or even job loss. 

Procrastination has an adverse impact on personal goals. 

Overcome procrastination- the role of yoga 

Yoga is more than a physical activity; it addresses the mind, body, and spirit holistically. Yoga helps soothe anxiety by controlling breathing patterns and practicing meditation; furthermore, it can be used to overcome procrastination. 

Mindfulness and Awareness 

Yoga promotes mindfulness or living in the present moment. By focusing on your breath and body movements, yoga enables you to stay in tune with what’s happening right now and quiet your mind. Applying this practice in daily life makes me more aware of when procrastination sets in while redirecting focus back where it belongs. 

Boosting Energy Levels 

Many times, we procrastinate because we lack the energy or motivation to begin something. Yoga’s dynamic forms, Vinyasa and Power, can increase blood flow, improve circulation, and release endorphins, which give an additional source of natural energy, giving you more natural strength to start projects or tasks. Yoga enhances both energy and focus. 

Enhancing Focus and Concentration 

Procrastination often arises from having an overactive mind. Yoga poses that require concentration and balance, such as Tree or Eagle Pose, can help bring clarity back into the mind, decreasing procrastination tendencies over time. With regular practice, Tree Pose or Eagle Pose poses can bring significant mental improvement; regular practice helps your brain stay on task and decrease procrastination. 

Decrease Stress and Anxiety 

Procrastination is often brought on by stress and anxiety. Yoga, in particular deep breathing exercises such as Pranayama, can help manage this response by relaxing both body and mind – making tasks simpler to tackle while decreasing feelings of dread that lead to procrastination. 

Developing Discipline and Routine 

Consistent yoga practice demands discipline that will positively transform other aspects of your life. By making time for regular or weekly practice, consistency will build into your routines – helping you develop an organized approach to daily tasks and reduce procrastination. 

Yoga Asanas and Accessories to Overcome Procrastination 

Procrastination can be controlled effectively with the right tools and techniques. Yoga’s blend of physical movements, mindfulness exercises, and breathing techniques provides an effective way to break through procrastination’s cycle; we explore some essential asanas to keep you motivated and focused, along with necessary accessories. 

sun solution: 

Morning Yoga Salutations / Morning Sun Salutations: Surya Namaskar A ...

 Sun Salutations help increase circulation and energy flow. These sequences of movements help awaken both mind and body to take on tasks more zealously. 

How To: Stand tall with feet close together. Raise both arms overhead and fold forward while folding forward again before returning backward into plank pose and lowering down into Chaturanga followed by downward facing dog pose – repeat this sequence 5-10 times for optimal results. 

Warrior II Virabhadrasana  

How to do Warrior 2 Pose-Virabhadrasana II-Ekhart Yoga | Ekhart Yoga 

Warrior II poses are powerful poses designed to build strength, concentration, and resolve. They foster mental clarity while giving us the courage to face new challenges head-on. 

How To: Position feet wide apart with feet turned outward, turning right foot out and bending the right knee while keeping left leg straight on the left side, arms parallel to the floor with gaze over the right hand, arms held parallel and gaze directed directly over right hand, gaze directed directly over hand; hold this position for several breaths; switch sides after holding for several breaths. 

Tree Pose, Vrksasana 

How To Do Tree Pose (Vrksasana) Step-by-Step | Freedom Genesis

Tree Pose is an effective way to improve balance and concentration. Use it when trying to centre yourself and stay on task without being distracted, thus helping avoid procrastination and procrastination. 

How To Do Begin by standing on one foot and bring the sole of the other leg close to the inner thigh (or calf) (avoiding the knee). Next, place both hands in a prayerful position against your chest or raise them above your head in a prayerful posture if desired; this helps maintain balance as a focus object in front of you helps keep the balance intact. 


Garudasana Eagle Pose Steps Benefits Precautions - nexoyeEagle Pose is an effective way to enhance mental clarity and reduce procrastination. This pose encourages mindfulness by reconnecting the mind to the body. 

Position your legs slightly bent with legs slightly apart and cross both arms at their elbows. Cross your right foot over your left leg while crossing both arms at their elbows with your right arm under your left arm – crossing elbows and wrists simultaneously – holding for several breaths, then squeeze everything towards the centre before switching sides. 

Seated forward bend 1 pose paschimottanasana Vector Image



squat forward bend (paschimottanasana) provides grounding and relaxation, relieving anxiety and stress, which often contributes to procrastination. Furthermore, it encourages reflection as well as relaxation of tension. 

Sit comfortably upright with your legs outstretched in front of you and exhale as you bend forward to reach for your feet. Breathe deeply while relaxing your neck and head by breathing deeply. 

  Core Pose Savasana 

5 reasons why Savasana might be the most important part of your yoga ...

Savasana, or the ultimate relaxation pose, helps restore both mind and body. This posture makes an excellent way to end any yoga practice session, as it allows you to reap all of its rewards while approaching daily tasks with serenity and poise. 

How to do it: Start by lying on your back, legs stretched out, and arms at your side with palms facing upwards. Focus on breathing deeply while relaxing your body entirely. 

Essential Yoga Accessories for Improved Practice 

Try incorporating these accessories into your yoga practice to maximise its Impact and avoid procrastination. 

Here’s the updated table with an additional column for shopping links or suggestions:

Yoga AccessoryWhy It’s Important/UsefulRecommendationWhere to Shop
Yoga Mat– Provides a comfortable, non-slip surface for practice.
– Helps keep you grounded and focused during poses.
– Look for a mat with good cushioning and grip, such as the Manduka Pro Mat or Liforme Yoga Mat.Manduka Pro Mat
Liforme Yoga Mat
Yoga Blocks– Helps maintain proper alignment and supports the body in challenging poses.
– Especially useful for beginners or improving flexibility.
– Choose lightweight, durable blocks like those made by Gaiam or eco-friendly Cork Yoga Blocks.Gaiam Yoga Blocks
Cork Yoga Blocks
Yoga Strap– Assists in deepening stretches and improving flexibility.
– Aids in achieving proper alignment in poses like Seated Forward Bend.
– Opt for an adjustable, sturdy strap such as the Manduka Align Yoga Strap or Yoga Design Lab Strap.Manduka Align Strap
Yoga Design Lab Strap
Meditation Cushion (Zafu)– Supports the spine and hips during seated poses, enhancing comfort for extended periods.
– Useful for mindfulness meditation.
– Consider a cushion filled with natural materials like buckwheat hulls, such as the Brentwood Home Crystal Cove Meditation Pillow.Brentwood Home Cushion
Essential Oils or Incense– Creates a calming environment and supports relaxation during practice.
– Helps reduce stress and increase mental clarity through aromatherapy.
– Use a high-quality diffuser with essential oils from brands like doTERRA or Young Living, or light incense sticks to


Effective Yoga Techniques to Combat Procrastination 

Here are a few techniques you can use to incorporate yoga into your everyday routine and overcome procrastination: 

Begin Your Morning with Yoga: Kickstart your day right with a 10-minute yoga routine to rejuvenate both body and mind. Focus on poses to energise, such as Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar), Warrior Poses (Virabhadrasana), or Cobra Poses (Bhujangasana). 

 Mindful Breathing: For optimal stress reduction and focus, daily deep breathing exercises such as alternate nostril (Nadi shodhana) or the 4-7-8 Breathing Technique should be practised to help lower stress levels. 

  • Take a Midday Break: Schedule time each day to experience some yoga. Stretches or Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana) may help refresh your mind and increase productivity. 
  • Evening Wind Down: Before going to bed, perform relaxing yoga poses such as Child’s Pose or Legs Up The Wall Pose in order to ease tension from both body and mind and ensure an unburdened night’s rest and productive day ahead. 

The conclusion 

Yoga can be an effective and mindful way of combatting procrastination. By including it in your daily routine, yoga can increase focus and energy for improved productivity.