
Have you ever felt that your mind is a cacophony of thoughts speeding out of control? Ideas appear to fall into each other in an unending cycle. You try to focus on the present moment, but your thoughts stray. This mental unrest, often known as the “monkey mind,” is characterized by inner conflict and distraction. While occasional restlessness is normal, the constant onslaught of information in today’s world worsens it. It might be difficult to stay focused on one thing for longer than a few minutes when news, social media, and ads are all competing for your attention. This incessant chatter in your head can steal your inner serenity, impair productivity, and make decision-making more difficult. Luckily, there are a lot of practical ways to calm the monkey mind. Go on reading.

Understanding the “Crazy Mind”

What is the Crazy mind?

Let’s start with the basics:

what does the “Crazy mind” mean? You might already have a general idea, but let’s delve deeper.

The concept dates back thousands of years to Buddha, who described this mental state by saying:

“Just as a monkey swinging through the trees grabs one branch and lets it go only to seize another, so too, that which is called thought, mind, or consciousness arises and disappears continually both day and night.”

In essence, your attention behaves like a monkey.

Every day, your mind produces a myriad of thoughts, making it difficult to focus on a single one. Instead, your attention jumps from one thought to another.

For example, while working on a task, your mind might suddenly drift to your partner’s upcoming birthday, the presentation you have tomorrow, or the bills you need to pay.

The “Crazy mind” signifies a state of inner restlessness, agitation, and confusion. It’s the part of your brain that struggles to stay focused, ultimately hindering your productivity and creativity.

Moreover, the crazy mind is closely linked to your inner critic, often fixating on negative thoughts.This tendency to dwell on pessimistic ideas can lead to a negative mental state.

The phrase “Crazy mind” describes a condition of internal agitation, bewilderment, and restlessness. It’s the area of your brain that finds it difficult to maintain concentration, which eventually reduces creativity and productivity.

Furthermore, the Crazy mind is strongly associated with your inner critic, who frequently obsesses on unfavourable ideas. A negative mental state may result from this propensity to ruminate on bad concepts.

Causes of the Crazy Mind

The human mind is incredibly versatile and capable of thinking about many things in quick succession. One thought often leads to another, which is normal and sometimes beneficial for managing daily life.

However, when this internal chatter becomes overwhelming and overly negative, problems arise. In today’s world, it’s easy to develop a Crazy mind.

Now that we know what the Crazy mind is and why it occurs, it’s time to look into remedies.

In order to settle the Crazy mind, Buddha recommended developing “a mind like a forest deer.”

He observed that deer are kind creatures that are vigilant and aware at all times, able to block out distractions and focus on what is really important.

Wouldn’t doing this be fantastic? It’s  possible to calm down mind, even though it’s challenging. 

Mindfulness Techniques such as Deep relaxation and mindfulness meditation are two techniques that can help you become aware of your thought patterns.

By using these methods, you learn to recognise how readily your mind may stray and that damaging ideas are simply that—thoughts.

Tamed and used in your life, rather than fighting your inner monkey to submission, is what’s really important.

Mindfulness  Techniques to Calm the Angry Mind

These techniques could be quite helpful for people who are struggling with erratic attention or a fickle mind.

1. Acknowledge Your Power

  • Calming a restless mind becomes possible once you recognize your sphere of influence.
  • Life often feels like a turbulent journey due to its many variations and unexpected turns.
  • It’s normal to feel intimidated when navigating these choppy waters.
  • It’s crucial to distinguish between what you can and cannot control.
  • Events such as natural disasters, wars, and economic upheaval are beyond your control.
  • However, you can control the storm within your own mind.
  • You have the power to regain control when your inner monologue becomes overwhelming.

Research indicates that the following

According to scientific research, the brain’s chemistry returns to normal in around ninety seconds after being stimulated by neurochemical stimuli.

Thus, when your mind is rushing, mentally tell yourself to “halt,” and then take three or four deep breaths.

This easy-to-do but effective technique helps you declutter your thoughts so you can go on with clarity.

Acknowledging this authority is immensely powerful.

2. Make use of encouragement.

Using uplifting affirmations is the second stage to calm the racing thoughts. These are statements meant to refute negative ideas about oneself. Recited and sincerely believed, they have the power to transform.

  • To calm the racing thoughts, think about these affirmations:
  • I can control how I react to difficulties.
  • I have faith in my mind’s infinite capacity.
  • My life seems to reflect optimism more when I give it more attention.
  • There is always going to be a way if one is focused and dedicated.

My mindful breathing grounds me. I’m learning, so making mistakes is okay.
Giving up control creates new possibilities.

If affirmations aren’t working for you, consider positive reframing.

Using this strategy, one can replace negative ideas with more positive ones.

As opposed to “I’ll never achieve my dreams,” states “It’s challenging, but I’ll work hard to realise my dreams.

Positive reframing has been shown to promote goal-directed behaviour.

3. Perplexity in Thought

1. Cognitive defusion is an effective language approach for calming the mind.

2. This technique involves restating or rephrasing a thought until it loses its intensity.

3. For example, if you think, “I always mess up,” try rephrasing it to, “I’m thinking that I always mess up.”

4. This method reduces the detrimental effects of your inner monologue.

5. Similarly, voicing unpleasant thoughts aloud repeatedly can diminish their impact.

 4. Foster Appreciation

1. Racing thoughts often focus on past mistakes, missed opportunities, and personal shortcomings, comparing oneself negatively to more successful peers.
2. Gratitude is a powerful remedy for self-defeating beliefs.
3. Each morning, focus on your blessings, such as your family, work, education, or simply having a roof over your head.

 5. Engage in Journaling

1. Journaling enhances memory, reduces stress, alleviates anxiety, and helps cope with depressive symptoms.
2. A regular journaling practice can address concerns of a restless mind.
3. Spend 15 to 20 minutes writing down worries, thoughts, and emotions to clear mental clutter accumulated throughout the day.

 6. Focus on Breathing

1. Deep breathing is essential for calming the mind.
2. Pranayama, an ancient yogic practice, involves regulating the mind’s power through breath control.
3. Pranayama offers benefits such as better stress management, reduced anxiety, and increased mindfulness.
4. Techniques like Ujjayi Pranayama, or “ocean breath,” involve deep, steady breathing through the nostrils and can be practiced for up to 10 minutes daily to help expand the lungs and calm the mind.

 7. Practice Mindfulness Meditation

1. Mindfulness meditation is highly effective for calming the mind.
2. Many meditation techniques focus on an object, typically the breath, to train attention.
3. Familiarity with breathing techniques like pranayama can make this easier.
4. When your mind wanders during meditation, gently bring it back to your breath or focal point.
5. Mindfulness meditation combines deep breathing with awareness of the body and mind, observing thoughts non-judgmentally, acknowledging them, and letting them go.
6. For instance, transform “I’m not good enough” into “I’m having the thought that I’m not good enough” to reduce the power of your inner critic.
7. Labelling emotions (anxious, angry, or stressed) can shift brain activity from emotional to cognitive areas.
8. Research shows that regular mindfulness meditation positively impacts physical and mental health, reducing stress, improving sleep, and enhancing immunity.
9. While immediate effects may not be evident, consistent practice yields substantial benefits.

The Restless Mind and the Necessity of Relaxation

Our minds are incessantly bombarded with demands and pressures. In this era of perpetual productivity, the pressure to excel in all aspects of life is immense, feeding the restless mind. Hence, relaxation is paramount. However, relaxation isn’t about ignoring responsibilities; it involves nourishing your mind and body to reduce stress and enhance well-being.

Many of the aforementioned activities foster relaxation. Additionally, synctuitionsynctuition offers a unique auditory experience designed to pacify the mind. Their “sound journeys” blend meditative techniques with original music, stimulating the mind and aiding in the containment of restless thoughts. Download the app to embark on these immersive journeys towards deep relaxation and improved well-being.


In this blog post, we explore seven powerful strategies to pacify a restless mind. These include recognizing your power, using positive affirmations, practicing cognitive defusion, cultivating gratitude, engaging in journaling, focusing on breathing techniques like pranayama, and incorporating mindfulness meditation into your routine. Each method provides unique benefits, contributing to stress reduction and overall well-being.