Standing yoga poses


 The standing Yoga Poses offer fantastic balance-building exercises, Nancy Chen, a trainer at Rumble Boxing and yoga teacher at Heatwise Yoga, emphasizes their accessibility and effectiveness, noting that they don’t require a yoga mat.
These poses, like a mountain, chair, and tree, emphasize rooting one or both feet into the ground, promoting alignment of breath, body, and mind.
Eric Mosley, a yoga teacher and founder of Black Mat Yoga, highlights the grounding sensation achieved in these poses when breath, body, and mind synchronize.
Standing poses are integral to yoga, transitioning between standing, sitting, and lying postures. For instance, they feature prominently in Vinyasa yoga’s sun salutations.

Chen incorporates standing poses, particularly foundational ones, into her practice and classes to strengthen ankles and prevent injuries, a benefit she values as a runner.

Interested in incorporating these poses into your practice?

Here are eight beginner-friendly standing poses to get you started.

What are the advantages of standing yoga poses?

They bring a myriad of benefits, particularly strengthening the lower body—boosting the ankles, glutes, hamstrings, and quads.

Additionally, they foster core stability, balance enhancement, and overall mobility and flexibility, as highlighted by Mosley. Some poses, like the mountain pose, even contribute to posture improvement.

The three types of Standing Poses

  • Strengthening,
  • Balancing, and
  • Lengthening (for flexibility).

While all poses contain elements of each category, some emphasize one aspect more than others.

For example,

  • Chair pose, warrior pose, and crescent lunge are excellent for bolstering lower-body strength.

Chair pose targets the glutes and quads, while crescent lunge engages the quads, glutes, and hamstrings.

The latter also incorporates balance by necessitating inner thigh activation for stabilization and opening of the hip flexors. Core engagement is crucial for maintaining stability and mitigating low back pain.

Warrior poses are equally effective in strengthening the lower body—warrior I target the quads and hamstrings, while warrior II activates the glutes and thighs.

Moreover, standing yoga poses like aeroplane, warrior III, eagle, tree, and dancer’s pose not only build strength but also enhance balance.

Executing these poses with one foot grounded requires core and ankle muscle engagement for stability. Additionally, they facilitate hip, hamstring, and shoulder opening, depending on the specific pose.

In terms of flexibility, standing poses such as the forward fold focus on elongating and stretching tight hamstrings, aiding in post-workout recovery and tightness alleviation.

What distinguishes standing poses from seated ones?

Apart from the clear contrast in positioning, with one conducted standing and the other seated or reclined, upright stances primarily focus on lower-body muscle groups while also activating the core for stability. Active engagement of the core is crucial for sustaining the posture.

Moreover, the duration of holding each type of pose varies, affecting the benefits derived from them.

Due to their longer hold times, seated poses allow for deeper twists and increased lengthening and flexibility.

The extended duration of seated poses also promotes relaxation and facilitates connection with the breath, providing a grounding effect.

In contrast, standing poses, such as those in the warrior series, feel more dynamic and active, focusing on harnessing and building strength.

What should beginners grasp about standing yoga?

  • Standing poses are foundational elements in yoga practice and offer an excellent starting point for beginners.
  • Novices should focus on poses with a grounding component, emphasizing connection with both feet to the ground and synchronization of breath with body movements.

Mountain pose, in particular, is fundamental and fosters familiarity with stability and grounding—a prerequisite for many standing poses.

As beginners progress, incorporating tree poses can introduce them to balancing poses.

Modifications tailored to individual fitness levels are encouraged, allowing practitioners to progress at their own pace and select variations that provide both support and challenge.

This approach alleviates pressure and fosters a comfortable exploration of poses.

Additionally, the use of props, such as yoga blocks, can enhance support and assist in accessing poses, particularly balancing ones.

Now, armed with an understanding of the benefits and fundamentals, beginners can explore foundational standing yoga poses, such as mountain poses, as a starting point for their practice.

Let’s dive into some common standing poses that you can incorporate into your practice:

standing yoga poses

8 Yoga Poses Tailored for Beginners

Exploring yoga offers a myriad of benefits, from enhancing flexibility to alleviating stress. Even as a beginner, you can embrace these advantages with ease. Dive into the foundational realm of yoga with BODi’s 3 Week Yoga Retreat, where seasoned instructors unravel the basics.

Let’s uncover 8 Simple Yoga Poses and Their Techniques:

1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

This seemingly modest stance serves as the cornerstone, laying the groundwork for various other poses in yoga.

– Stand with feet parallel and hip-width apart or with big toes touching and heels slightly apart.
– Elevate quadriceps, inwardly rotate upper thigh muscles.
– Engage the core, tuck tailbone, broaden chest, and relax shoulders.
– Maintain a neutral chin.

2. Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)

Transition seamlessly from mountain pose to elongate the entire back of your body.

– Start with feet hip-width apart.
– Hinge forward from hips, maintaining a straight spine.
– Slightly bend knees, bringing stomach to thighs.
– Extend arms downward, allowing the head to hang.
– Gradually straighten knees while keeping the abdomen on the thighs.
– Hold the pose, focusing on five deep breaths.

3. Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

Embrace the strength and stretch of a warrior with this empowering pose.

– Stand with feet 3-4 feet apart, front foot facing forward, back foot at a 45-degree angle.
– Bend front knee directly over the ankle.
– Engage core, align shoulders over hips, and extend arms parallel to the floor.
– Steady gaze over the front hand.
– Hold the pose, breathing deeply for five counts before switching sides.

4. Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

Cultivate balance and stability as you embody the grace of a tree.

– Begin in mountain pose.
– Press one foot into the standing ankle, calf, or inner thigh.
– Engage leg and foot, maintaining focus on a fixed point.
– Optionally, bring hands together at the chest or extend overhead.
– Hold the pose, inhaling and exhaling steadily.

5. Reverse Warrior (Viparita Virabhadrasana)

Enhance the stretch and strength of Warrior II with this graceful variation.

– Start in Warrior II.
– Position the rear hand onto the posterior thigh.
– Extend front arm overhead without bending the elbow.
– Hold the pose, synchronizing breath with movement.


6. Extended Side Angle (Utthita Parsvakonasana)

Transition smoothly from Reverse Warrior to stretch the opposite side of your body.

– Begin in Reverse Warrior or Warrior II.
– Rest front elbow on front quad, palm facing up.
– Extend back arm overhead.
– Maintain alignment and stability as you breathe deeply.


7. Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana)

Challenge yourself with this pose, which offers a deep stretch while strengthening the body.

– Start with feet 3 feet apart.
– Extend arms to form a “T” and straighten both legs.
– Shift rib cage forward and tilt sideways from the waist.
– Reach fingertips towards ankle as back arm extends upwards.
– Hold the pose, focusing on your breath.


8. Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Embrace this foundational pose that stretches the back and legs while strengthening the upper body.

– Begin on hands and knees.
– Lift hips up and back, maintaining a slight bend in the knees.
– Spread fingers wide, engage core, and rotate shoulders outward.
– Hold the pose, allowing the head to relax.

These beginner-friendly yoga poses offer a gateway to a fulfilling practice, nurturing both body and mind.


Embrace the journey into wellness with these standing yoga poses, each named and explained to guide you through a rejuvenating practice.

Whether performed individually or strung together in a sequence, from the foundational Tadasana to the expansive Prasarita Padottanasana, these poses offer a pathway to strength, balance, and inner peace.

As you explore each posture, remember to honour your body’s needs, breathing deeply and finding joy in each movement.

While yoga nurtures holistic health, safeguarding against unforeseen circumstances with a robust insurance plan is a wise step. Consider investing in a health insurance policy, coupled with critical illness coverage, for added financial security during challenging times. 


Why are standing poses beneficial?

Standing yoga poses are instrumental in enhancing balance, strength, and flexibility, fortifying both body and mind. They cultivate stability in the legs and core muscles while fostering mental focus and concentration.

What are the key standing asanas?

Among the myriad of standing yoga poses, notable ones include Mountain Pose (Tadasana), Tree Pose (Vrikshasana), Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I), Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II), and Extended Triangle Pose (Trikonasana).

How many standing asanas exist?

Yoga encompasses a plethora of standing poses, typically ranging from 20 to 30 in a comprehensive practice. Each pose targets diverse muscle groups, contributing to overall strength and flexibility.

Is Anjaneyasana considered a standing pose?

Anjaneyasana, or the Low Lunge, deviates from the standing posture category. It involves kneeling with one knee on the ground and the other leg extended into a lunge position, offering a distinct stretch and alignment experience.